second wave of chaos
The other car arrived late last night, so I unloaded it today and did two or three more loads of washing. I put the tent up in the garden and it doesn't seem to have rained since. Should really bring in the inner tent or it might blow away.
Still pretty exhausted, but calmer. It turned out I had PMT yesterday- just to add another layer of stress to the proceedings. I am that sort of tired today tht I can't be bothered to be stresssed about anything. I spent quite a lot of time trying to top up my mobile phone, which has miraculously come back to life. I hadn't used it since January, when they started charging for the bolt-on I didn't know I had, and became disgruntled that it was seeming a bit expensive. No-one around me seemed to be of any help with this (I live with 3 other adults, all avid mobile users). I finally took matters in hand when I felt the need to communicate and found my land line was still disconnected, despite the bill having been paid ten days ago, or so I have been told. Now the land line is on, but I am having interesting text conversations without it going through that BT thing where it converts it to voice (wierd), but having to text out from the land phone, so people dont know who it is. This has taken up most of my (limited) brain power today.
Am gradually getting the house back to normal. Have put a few more bits in the living room, but need some assistance with piano, etc.
I just finished my crochet hat that I started when camping.
The kids did all sorts of playing today, and a bit of creative stuff making dolly clothes, and an attempt at knitting. All without any input from me, except with the dolly clothes, but this was most unwelcome, so I stayed out of it. Fugs decided to customise his vest and by tea time it was a very small fringed garment, well more of a necklace, really! Hope he doesn't do this to all his clothes. He did find out his vest was much colder that before, LOL!
Just contemplating bigger tents as Elaine has spotted this one in NETTO with 3 bedrooms and a middle bit for £60, which looks pretty good, and Brendan saw some in the Argos sale. Will we go camping again? well, it was quite fun and the kids loved it. Allie has caught a cold, unlike him, but we wouldn't have to be martrs and sta in the rain, but then if we were further from home there would't be much choice. I fancy going somewhere nicer, The campsite we went to wasnt ideal: the toilets were at the far end of the next field, which played havoc with Fugs especially and the facilities were very minimal if you were in a tent- just a tap! And it would be nice to be somewhere nice, I mean I know we are spoilt here, really, but somewhere a bit more remote would be good. And seaside?