Friday, October 21, 2005

wheresme dampyjamas

Well, I didn't end up doing that much today, but I suppose that's what I needed. So after a leisurely morning (porridge at 12), while the kids mooched about in and out of the garden and I caught up on a few forums! (how many more do have have to join!) and tried to sort out the Council tax, grrrr (that's what I was doing all morning, I must have blotted it out of my mind), I finally went shopping with Jem and Maeve, who helped me with the heavy stuff. I quite enjoyed it, and was chuffed with my new pyjamas, very ample and covered in moomin-like cat drawings, plus the bargain £4.99 firework set. It was really nice to have Maeve round for tea- we had pizza and chardonnay. I walked her to the bus stop and didn't nag her once or even interrogate her about college, her flat, etc! (Well I had been round there and she was doing some college work and her flat seems quite together.)
I hope I have sorted the council tax out- I sent them 4 letters, one recorded delivery, so they don't lose it this time.
Fugs played on Cat in the Hat game. Jem was very helpful after the others had gone to bed. She was looking over my shoulder (on the computer) and easily sussed out how to do a couple of (forum) things that I was struggling with!

dampyjamas= Swedish for women's pyjamas


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