Camping in South Yorkshire

It was the West Yorkshire Home Educators Camp and we were about half a mile beyond the boundary of West Yorkshire. It was my first camping experience with children and, all in all it was good, although we were not ideally equipped for all eventuallities and everything the elements threw at us over the week. But I think we did quite well, considering I had not bought anything especially for this camp, but got by with a mottly collection of old and borrowed stuff. Basically: the tent was not big enough, and although we fitted our overflow into Elaine's more than adequately sized tent, we still had four of us to what is basically a bedroom which you can't stand up in, and consequently spent a lot of time sharing the porch and middle room of Elaine's tent, especially during the inclement weather. Fortunately, she didn't seem to mind too much and always had the kettle on, too.
Friday we arrived sometime during the afternoon, with most of the stuff in Brendan's car, which was to follow shortly. As this included all the food etc, I begun to get anxious when he did not arrive and finally texted him at the house with a request for fish and chips. There was no reply, but he did arrive some time later with the goods as requested.
Saturday was lovely and warm, so after quite a cold night in the tent I sat in the sunshine surounded with loads of coloured wool, scoubies, plastic, tape etc, which was being knitted, crocheted, woven, wound onto sticks and knotted by all who wandered by. This merged into a relaxed barbeque.
Sunday we went for a walk up to see the windmills. The girls cycled back past the resevoir with Elaine and her dog. Later in rained and Tech had a Barbie in her enourmous tent with about 22 people!
On Monday we visited the National Coal Mining Museum, which took practically all day.
Tuesday- I stayed at the campsite and Gill arrived with her girls and gazebo. I lit the barbie and did some sosmix.
Wednesday- we went for a picnic at a river and woods. We had another great barbie in Gill's gazebo, and a bit of a bonfire in a fire bucket.
Thursday: this morning the gazebo blew away and everything got wet. We packed up and left. We knew it was going to rain but we stayed anyway. Crazy.
The second wave of chaos has just arrived and I think I'll go to bed.
Really sorry we missed it, but with job interviews and Small not being well it just wasn't going to happen :(
Must get together with you all soon though, it's been ages.
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