I did it!

I told someone on the phone this morning that I was having a really bad day today, and it was only 9.35. I was supposed to be at school by 9.30, and someone was expecting to take Fugs on the trip, but I had been (mis)infromed only last night that there weren't enough cars going so I would have to go. So I told them to go ahead without us as I didn't want to make them another 15 minutes later. I was fed up because I woudn't have had to go if I had known, or got my act together to be earlier. I had set my clock for the wrong time, as it was set the day before to go off later than usual. Plus I had been awake since about 6, feeding and just gone back to sleep. Plus I thought DP was here, as he said he was coming home and I thought he would have returned after I went to bed, but no. Plus, I had got my packed luch ready last night, and when I went to the fridge I couldn't believe that it was gone! Pete had taken it to work, not realising it was anything other than some leftover risotto, which is what it was. there wasnt enough bread for everyone to have sandwiches, but luckily I found a packet of rice cakes and some cream cheese. Just after we set off it started raining and I only had on my flat backless shoes, no socks, and only one raincoat between 2 boys. We were going to an outdoor exotic animals centre in the pouring rain in some godforsaken lost corner of Yorkshire and we were late.
So, things could only get better from then on, really, and they did. I found the place, with no wrong turns, despite feeling some of the time: where is this place? We managed to catche up with the rest of the group, who we saw feeding the Llamas from across the car park. Fugs opted not to wear his waterproof, so I stuck it on Allie. It was only light drizzle, and we were inside some of the time inspecting reptiles, fish, etc. The children had an excellent time, especially when they found the large playhouse. I stayed out of the lizard handling experience, prefering to hang out in the rain with the parrots and toddlers. We got to feed the Llamas on the way back, too, and got a souvenier monkey. (They have marmosets there).
So, after all that I still had to face the music and talk to Jem's teacher about her leaving. I hung about for ages until she came downstairs, but this was probably better as she then knew I wanted to speak to her. She had been expecting it anyway as Jem has been telling her she's leaving. It was ok as she just said I had to give 3 months notice, which is only th 29th of September. It's still not clear whether I have to pay until October half term or just till the end of Sept, but at least its not till Christmas. But the main thing is its been decided- We will be all full-time home educated in September! I feel so much better, and relieved. It's quite liberating. I suppose I've done it in stages, one leap being out of the state system, but this still feels like a massive step.
Oh, excellent. Decision made must feel much better. :)
Where is the exotic animal centre? Sounds interesting.
o, you're back- good.
it's in Heckmondwike (W Yorks) the animals are mainly small. it is very accessible and small child friendly. Didn't try the cafe, but has nice picnic areas, some covered,fortunately for us, as it was raining.
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