Thursday, June 23, 2005

boobies and scoobies

He fed! .. well, this morning, anyway, if not tonight. He seems to be in a state of confusion over the whole feeding thing, or is it transition? He sometimes pushes me away, and actually said "bye bye boobies" today, but also seems to be still interested in a way. He is having to find new ways to fall asleep and flails around a lot. He needs to be reminded to close his eyes.
The teeth are there, anyway, as I got chance to count them in a row, row, row the boat moment, and they were all there. So no more teething. Well that was short and sharp. I noticed his smile seemed wider this morning; must have been the extra teeth. But he seems to have really changed. His excema seems to be back, too, but that may be due to sunburn, or me being a bit slack about cow's milk.
So we had a really unsensible double car school run, in convoy, as I don't think it's ok to take kids without seat belts, but every now and then I forget when I'm really tired. He is often not here so the question doesn't arise, but yesterday I was dealling with teething baby and forgot. (this is only one of a string of cars that he has had and happens to have no rear seatbelts). So today it was presumed to be OK too, but, no actually I'm not going to change my mind about that. And its not fair to confuse the kids by continually saying it's ok when I am totally not ok about it. (The fact that I am totally not ok about spending money on a second, bigger car that cannot be used for more than 2 people, well, that's something else, and something that I cannot hope to have any control over.) So its "I'll take them", "no, I'll take them", "I want to go with daddy", "I want to go with mumy", "can I go with you, mummy" "actally, you might make me late if...." How ridiculous. Not to mention the shouting. I can't bear shouting in the morning. It just puts me in a stress all day. Well there won't be any arguments tomorrow morning as he has just MSNed me that he is not coming home tonight.
They were all hot and horrible this evening. We had an early tea and played out in the sun till bed time. I got some Scoobies in the market and they seemed to know what to do with them without any help from me. I didn't need to worry about that then.
O yes, and I took Maeve to LIDL to get "a few things" for her 18th birthday party at the weekend and her mass of booze BROKE THE CONVEYOR BELT!!!!


Blogger Jax Blunt said...

rofl at the lidl experience, (((Rosie))) for the shouty bits and all his teeth already??? I thought he was younger than Small, isn't he younger than Small? Have I got confused again? Very easily done.

12:57 am  
Blogger Gill said...

Oooer - thats a LOT of booze!lol

5:22 pm  
Blogger Rosie said...

Yes, I think he is younger than Small- 20 months, but got his first teeth early (quite a few at 4 months), all these 3 did, but they just seem to be giant babies! compared to M, anyway. J lost her first front tooth when she was 5.
Perhaps I should mention that we bought 2 sets of glasses (18 for 2.99), from lidl, which most certainly added to the weight of the crates of beer, etc. I still thought it was funny and something I will not let her forget :)

11:40 pm  

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