happy summer solstice

I've been having some problems with connecting to the internet, (hence minimal blogging). But I think it's ok now.
So, I've just put all the interesting stuff we've been doing over here.
Allie's been teething really badly today: I was wondering when those back teeth were going to come through, he's had the rest for ages. He's been whiny and clingy for days, but today he's been hot and dribbling and putting his finger in his mouth and not eating or feeding. I've been carrying him around a lot, well. I've hardly been able to put him down. Managed to make the tea somehow, with no adult help. I was totally exhausted after tea and had to lie down. And this was not lack of sleep, as I've been going to bed on time. Just home it's not the return of the dreaded mastitis or chronic fatigue, but, I suppose, could be just the exaustion of having a teething child, who appears to have woken up...
no it was Maeve giggling. (for god's sake...)
So, I am probably still recovering from my whole weekend of rag-rugging. I quite enjoyed it, really. In fact the children just let me get on with it most of the time, and had a go at it, too. There was plenty to do for them: paddling, watching sheep shearing, felting, picnics, etc. We got a lift on Sunday in my friend's car and broke down on the way back. So there was me, in a thunder storm, in the back of beyond, with the 2 kids for 1/2 an hour while Jill tried to get a signal and ended up walking up this track to a farm. She phoned the AA who said they would be 2 hours so she also phoned Brendan to rescue me and the kids. He couldn't stop himself from being heroic and bombing off in search of jump leads, which lead to a lot of shouting and car-sickness, but we were starving and got some chips, too. By the time we got back, the AA man had come, as well as a coincidental recovery truck, which just happened to be passing. So atleast we brought her some chips. And some jump leads, just in case. I think there were a lot of breakdowns that day.
Monday, I was stressed in the morning, I think because *daddy* was working from home, which I always find difficult. Especially when he does things like fill up 2 paddling pools first thing in the morning and then announces that he has to go and do something, and I am not ready for paddling pool duty when I haven't had my breakfast. So I decided it best to go out, somewhere. Anywhere. There wasn't anything in particular I wanted from LIDL, apart from the usual boring stuff, so I wasnt very motivated to go, but then decided it was better than staying in and being stressed.
I decided to call in at the weekly local HE meet for the last 1/2 and hour, but they were just going to a great park round the corner. So it turned out OK in the end. I knew I needed to go somewhere outdoors with the kids, but couldn't quite face being 'alone with my thoughts', so this was ideal. They had some friends to play with and got on really well. I just found out that a new HE friend is just 3 days older than Jem and only lives 10-15? minutes away.
We ended up at LIDL, which was ok and we got some bouncers, which have been hours of fun (which is funny, as we already had one).
Today started out nearly as bad as yesterday (daddy at home again), and teething clingy boy, but even so, we manged to do some soltice activities. The children did a lot of bickering this morning, but they are always worse when daddy is here, working. I suppose he did take Allie off me at and put him to bed when he was particularly whining. But he then disappeared at 3.30, saying he would be back in 2 hours. 5.30 came and went, 6.30 came, and 1/4 to 7, and by then the tea was eventually ready. Mind you I am totally used to this, but it really is the worst time of day to be on your own with tired hungry children, trying to make the tea. Mornings I can do with the children. I prefer it if no-one else is around- it's great. I suppose this is how [...] it can be living with someone. So tomorrow I expect I will have the morning. To do the school run ...arghhh!
and to you too.
currently 2 at school- one 2 days and one 3. this will be soon one not at school and the other still undecided, but wavering towards the home educated of late. It's a private, small, Montessori school, which is great, but I'm supposed to give a term's notice, so don't know what to do at the momement.
I didnt have to leap up and be organised today, but do on some days.
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