
I was really inspired yesterday, although I didn't get to see much of the art in the arts festival. Must try again this week and the weekend. The open studio I went to was at friend's house, from my old college days. It took up the entire four floors of his house and included mosaic tiles, collage, pictures and computer designs, all in intricate chaotic patterns. The overall effect is reminiscent of a cross between islamic art and fractals. It is a rich, multilayered tapestry of colours, lines and shapes. I did talk to him about his work, which he makes no effort to promote, and as with all the years that I have known him, I am still none the wiser in understanding what it is all about, really. I like it though. I was remided of something amazing I saw on Tech's blog a while ago, using a rotational symmetry to abstract an image, which I cant find now. (I cannot understand those catergories! maybe I'm not supposed to, but I would like to have another look at it.) I did not get a picture of this, but here is one I took of an outdoor textile piece. I think I like the words more than the piece itself, but I like the idea of a large fabric piece spiralling around poles stuck into the ground.
Yesterday I felt inspired to do all sorts of creative things. I dont feel the same energy for them now, but must record my ideas, so I can come back to them:
Completely re-design the garden, getting rid of leylandii and planting living willow stuctures. (this has been on the back-burner for some time, but I really must investigate the possibility of growing willow here and also a firepit would be very useful)
Outdoor mosaics (my mum does mosaics in the classical style, but I would tend to lean toward the more Gaudiesque)
Something coloured for the windows to create coloured light coming in - needs to be translucent and not cut down too much on the amount of light coming in, but could be some sort of stained glass effect or a textile hanging. This would also prevent birds from flying into the glass. Hmm...
Some art..........................yes,well?
I think there was more but I seem to be forgetting it already.
This scoubidou thing has got me back into macrame- must do some...................
Midsummer is supposed to be a time for dreaming up new ideas, lazing around and letting your mind wander. I think I can manage that.
yhe only thing I have to do now is sort out arrangements for tomorrow.
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