Tuesday, March 22, 2005

... a bad day

Well, I got through it... It started with having to get up to go to the art class, the last one I've signed up for, so I though I should make the effort (you can see I'm not very enthusiastic by now, but something drives me on, nevertheless). I got out of the house slightly less late than usual (I'm sure it takes 10 to 15 minutes from coats on to driving off), despite the sight of bonnet up on delapidated Saab, which I chose to ignore. I had offered to give up my car, and could have gone on the bus with a bit more notice (about 45 minutes), but no, delapidated Saab it is, but that's another story.
The art class started off quite promising- stuff all laid out for making printing blocks from foam and card, and for printing, and no 'talk' (or we missed it). But it was quite hard work, to say the least, as Allie was very moany and wanted to be on my lap half the time. The activity was too hard for them to do without any help, and I got frustrated not being able to do anything about that and they got frustrated with their efforts, although they seemed semi satisfied with it- it was much harder and less fun than any of us needed today. Well, it has taught me one thing, going to that class, that I don't need to go to these classes, they are not that compatible with what I am beginning to recognise as our style of HE. I sometimes wonder if anyone who hasn't actually done HE has the slightest bit of understanding about it. I mean the thing that people don't sent their kids to school because they dont like school, and the way things are done there, so why should a class for HE children be run so like school. I suppose we are all conditioned by our own education to do things in certain ways. Anyway, it's not as if I need to go elswhere for an art class when I can do it myself. What was I thinking? If anything, I could do with a class in something I can't do at home, like, horseriding, or something. I mean, we even do piano at home and I'm not exactly qualified in that, but there are books, and I can read music and play a little bit (guitar's my instrument, but only recreational), in fact, my sil recommended I start myself when I asked her what age she recommend they start lessons, and she is a music/piano teacher, though not in state school. (I've just realised only 2 of my 5 siblings send their children to state school!)
So, I've only got as far as lunch time (so much for lunch: cheese and onion pasties/crisps/mini doughnuts; that would be ok, but just one of these things each?). I found out later that the lady in the gallery shouted at Fugs for running- they were going to the toilet- I thought it was quite safe for them to go as there is no other entrance, not thinking of the dangers present within the gallery itself.
So we went to LIDL on the way back, after traipsing round looking for non-existent art shop for printing roller. After we got back I put on one of the pedals we also bought and Jem and Fugs went out on their bikes while Allie had to put to bed again, as he was constantly moaning. It seemed to take an eternity to make tea, but they went straight up to the bath after, and soon to bed.
It doesn't seem like too much of a bad day at all, actually. I think it was the whining and my tiredness that made it seem worse. And I started sneezing toinght. O well.
Educational moment: I had explained to Jem that the thread had gone on the bike pedal, so when I got the new ones she examined them and said "I can't see any thread on them, where's the thread?", looking for a thread dangling off them...


Blogger Louise said...

Hi Rosie,
because mine have never been to school they struggle when things are set up like a school classroom. The times they've had the best fun is when they can be fre to choose things and do them in the way you want. I also would love home-ed horse riding lessons, preferably heavily subsidised by the council ;o)

3:53 pm  
Blogger Rosie said...

Hi, thanks for encouragement :)
yes- Fugs says he doesnt like being "bossed about", or told what to do.It puts him off easily. I think it may have done more harm than good, although one week he just sat there and totally ignored everyone and did an amazing picture.

10:40 pm  

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