Thursday, March 17, 2005


.....and the wind blew the occasional scrap of jumbled thought across the page...

ahoy there, me hearties...shipwrecked and surviving here in knittingyogurtland...

no, you see, the longer I leave it, the harder it is to even turn on the computer, let alone blog. I mean, what dreaded emails might be lurking, and will I ever catch up with my blog, or other people's, and will it give me a migraine, like my last attempt? O dear, I really do suffer in winter. I shouldn't live here, I'm too nesh, too southern. I should be in The Archers country, at least (or Spain, preferably, Cornwall?).

So, to catch-up, or not? well, I haven't got much time, really, if migraines are to be avoided, maybe a list, will suffice:
Decorating- I finally finished the hall and landing at the weekend- hurrah! now I can get on with the spring cleaning, aka, major clearout of house, already well started, if in a less than logical order: it's organic.
Reading: finally got hold of a copy of Free Range Ed, which is striking many chords. Actually, I ordered it from the library so they would buy it, so Calderdale Libraries now own a copy for all to read. Good. Still on John Holt: Inspirational; taking my time over as needs to to sink in. Also, more of the Moomintroll books, which may go some way to explaining my current rather insane outlook on life. Good fun, if a bit wierd. I like it.
Holiday: spent the first week in March in Swaledale, which was a good change, if not a rest. Lovely and peaceful. Lots of snow. No TV, or men, or cars, or neighbours.
Children: O, yes, I have them, too. Allie is now toddling about a bit unsteadily, but determined.
We have been going to the art classes on one of our too few days at home (have resigned, at the moment, to leave the Montessori school days as they are: with Jem and Fugs going 3 and 2 days). I think maybe the art classes may have to stop after Easter, although they do get inspired to do stuff at home afterwards, but there is never enough time left...
Lots of talk of joined-up handwriting and the making of Easter cards is happening.
Don't yet know what is happening about the computer-access-nursery thing. I think its pure bobbins -they (Ofsted) are not allowed to require that- only knowing about ICT, which can be a phone or a musical toy, or pretend checkout, if anything at all. I think they are running scared and/or pandering to the wishes of a couple of pushy parents. O I wish they would get on with the parents meeting-i keep wondering who it is now.
Knitting: I have nearly finished, (well, lets just say ther light at the end of the tunnel is visible) a Rowan Magpie cable jacket for Allie. (A clue as to how long it's taken: you can't buy that wool any more, and I started it for Fugs, actually, just got bored of cabling).

....that's all for now, folks, stay tuned for next thrilling episode of,I'm not being arty, thespacebar'sontheblinkagain,ofuc.....


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