Friday, March 11, 2005

I am not a pathetic woman!

...OK, you know that, I know that , and now, hopefully that stupid bloke down the road knows that, after I shouted it after him (rather pathetically, really) after he accused me of that heanous crime, his final word of defence to my polite suggestion that I didn't think he should let his dog do that, not that close to our gate, at any rate. I don't like getting into arguments about this sort of thing- I didn't know he was a complete psycho, but it was so blatant- he was just standing there, right outside our house, and I was politely waiting for him to move out of the way so I could drive up to park outside our house (this is not a road, just a footpath or bridleway, over which I have right of way to our house), when I realised why he was just standing there. Well, for some reason I had to pick on the nastiest person I could find, who gave me an unexpected and shocking torrent of abuse. I was so upset I had to go round to a neighbour's house for a cup of tea, who I didnt really know, but who turns out to be really nice, so I suppose there's a positive outcome. Plus she told me Mr doggy psycho man is moving house: sooner the better, hopefully.
So, I'm having one of those days, I was literally just contemplating the totally unnecessary road rage incident I experienced last night, which shook me up a bit, until I had walked into the Community Association meeting, which seemed to be having a bit of a livelier than usual argument, which took my mind off it.
I've also been steaming about the outcome of the Montessori School's OFSTED report, which has resulted in the nursery children being theoretically offered access to computers, against the better judgement of all the staff and the vast majority of parents. I seemed to have stirred up enough of a fuss to warrant having a parent's meeting about this, but have had to do some more research into what, exactly, the nursery is required to do by ofsted. As far as I can work out, the requirement to teach ICT in the Foundation Stage (age 3 and 4), which comes under "knowledge and understanding of the world", is on a pretty basic level. For example, by ICT equipment, this can mean electronic toys, telephones, tape recorders, etc, and examples of what they need to learn include switching on and off, talking about and role-playing the practical use of ICT (so I suppose a wooden computer would do?!!!), and there is no actual requirement that a 3 or 4 yo has to even go anywhere near a PC. So I'm not sure where the misunderstanding is; in the inspector herself (although the report only recommends access to ICT equipment, which does not necessarily mean computers, but this is an easy assumption to make); or the school, or, I suspect, in the very small minority of parents that actually want their child to be able to use computers in school. My arguments agaisnt this are tooooo numerous to mention now, but I feel that while all the children in question have access to computers at home, if that is wanted, but not many people have all that speciallised Montessori equipment at home, plus a teacher trained to use it, plus the opportunity to sociallise with other children. I won't go into why I think it is inappropriate and not useful for children of this age to learn to use computers, just to say that it is not part of the Montessori method. Also, It bothers me that a small school can bu bullied into doing something it doen't agreed with by OFSTED.
There. I was enjoying a quiet hiberntion, a bit like a moomintroll, but have been forced to come out by the sheer need to moan. May creep back into my nest and hope no-one notices!


Blogger Gill said...

Ohh, we have comments again!
Hi Rosie, I noticed too. Glad you met your neighbour. I'll be interested to hear how your PC-free campaign at the school works out. Hope you find a way around it. How dare they presume to tell us how to have our children educated? Isn't it in contravention of the right of parents to have their children educated in accordance to their beliefs and wishes etc?

8:17 am  
Blogger Jax Blunt said...

You are not, I agree.

Was in our local library the other day and noticed that they had a big pile of posters entitled Yuk! which asked dog owners not to let their dogs do that in whatever place. Can see if I can grab one for you next time I'm in ;)

Hm, I would have thought Ofsted were on very shaky ground if they really are trying to require a school to provide access to computers to 3-4 year olds - what are they going to do about the few that don't attend nurseries or have computers at home? Surely Steiner schools don't have them either - what about their ofsted reports?

5:25 pm  
Blogger dottyspots said...

((((hugs)))) (now that blogger comments are back).

The computers issue seems a bit crazy - I thought that independent/private schools (I'm a bit ignorant here) didn't have to follow the NC?

6:10 pm  
Blogger Rosie said...

no further progress with computer fiasco. It is not the NC, but all childcare providers for this agegroup have to be inspected by OFSTED and comply to a set of guidelines...I think requiring computers is way over the mark and a misinterpretation of the guidelines. No, Steiner Kindergartens dont have computers- from what I can gather from looking at the reports, I think they must have a different way of getting through Ofsted, a bit like giving an ED Phil?
Dog man is keeping a low profile. I have leaflets, thanks! (how sad)

11:46 pm  

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