Sunday, March 20, 2005

Quiet day

Well, it didn't turn out to be such a great day weatherwise; the Major's horses had their coats back on after only one day, so I didn't get round to building the veg bed. Instead just had a quiet time pottering while the kids spent most of the day outside. They even ventured into the field opposite, as the Major wasn't around, and climbed on the huge fallen tree. It's nice that they can now venture outside of the garden. I don't think they're really allowed in the field, which is a shame because I can see it from the house. They also cycled quite a long way up and down the lane (with daddy), and Jem fell off twice, but got straight back on. Fugs spent ages on the swing by himself after everyone else had come in and told me he had seen some dragons while he was out there. Not pretend ones- real.

I decided to attack the mending basket, which was overflowing, so Fugs got some new jimjams (which had only a few tiny holes in- he's terrible with scissors), which he wore for the rest of the day, so had to have a bath later to wash the mud off his feet. He listened to 'Fergus Crane' on 'Go For It' on the radio in the bath (as usual, but daddy wasn't here tonight as he has gone to a gig in Manchester with the teenagers- something to do with Fat City? noone really told me what it was, so I don't really know). So I'm having a quiet evening, too, which is nice. The mending started as Fugs fell over on Friday and made a hole in the knee of his already tattered second-best trousers. I managed to satisfactorily patch these, and some dungarees for Allie. I still have some of Jem's trousers to turn up (considerably less than when they first went into the pile), and a couple of pairs of jeans...mmm, they may not get done tonight, at this rate.

After all that computer wingeing, guess what he's gone and bought now? A tablet and stylus, which they practically fight over turns on. Fugs did some amazing scribble pictures, but I can't find them now. I'm not sure what its doing for his pencil control, but I'm sure its a lot better than a mouse, for that. Thankfully, they were too excited by going outside to spend too much time on it.
Someone I spoke to about the computers-in-nursery-question in the Montessori school, and who had worked in the Montessori school, had some interesting views on it. When I said it had been left up to the parents to opt in or out of computer access she said she thought this was wrong, as it is supposed to be child-led, not parent led, and that the children got to choose their activity within the prepared environment , which was prepared by the teacher, and that the teacher is there to facilitate this. I suppose this is pretty obvious, but she put it so clearly that it gave me a greater insight into how it is possible to let you children have freedom to choose what they do, but still have some control over it, iyswim. I suppose this is how I dealt with the TV issue. I simply removed the TV from the environment so I didn't have to be constantly monitoring its use.


Blogger Gill said...

Oooh, maybe I am a bit Montessori then, cos I deal with a lot of issues in that way.

9:33 am  
Blogger Rosie said...

Hi, Heather. I moved the TV out of the family room when we moved house 3 1/2 years ago, when I had a toddler who had learned to turn it on whenever he felt like it, not to watch it, but for the fun of turning it on, then everybody would be glued to it. I also was trying to move away from TV viewing for the kids (due to Waldorf kindergarten). If it was up to me I would get rid of it altogteher, but dp likes to watch in the evening sometimes, and I have a few fave progs. I no longer turn it on as soon as the kids have gone to bed! Teenager (I have one plus her boyfriend) has a TV box on her computer in her room- she is basically a free agent now, anyway. I dont use the TV for HE, as I find *real life* far more interesting and educational. Ocasionally they watch things that are live on TV, such as the world cup, or the queen's jubillee, I suppose that is HE in a sense. We have watched educational progs like 'number time' in the past, But we dont miss it at all. In fact I dont know how anyone has the time to watch TV at all, although I know it can be a difficult habit to break, especially in the winter months. I just cart regular bagloads of books from the library, which seem to keep them interested.
o, and there's the radio- one kids prog on a week! (sunday night) and Charlotte's web is on this week at 2.15, tues, weds. Aparently there is more kids stuff on radio 7 (digital or on the internet).
Gill- you mean about removing something from the environment? I suppose it's Monetessori in the sense that the environment is prepared in such a way as to facilitate learning and the child is then free to move around and chose what he or she wants. I suppose certain things, or too much choice can be too overpowering for the young child, and distract them from what they are doing. I know I can't concentrate on writing this with someone flicking from channel to channel on the radio, ...Brendan!

10:56 pm  
Blogger Rosie said...

Heather- I thought you had a blog- I can't find it!

11:10 pm  
Blogger Gill said...

Yes, that's sort of what I mean. Well, I don't want to be controlling or authoritarian or confrontational, so on the face of it it looks like anything goes at our house and to some extent it does. But I do exert a very subtle influence in that if I really don't like something, I'm capable of ensuring that it doesn't exist for us. Obviously I'm not talking about the TV or PCs because as you know I don't mind those, but... hmm... struggling to think of things I don't like. Cheap plastic 'tat', 'sugar-free' (saccharin-full) snacks, very expensive brand name stuff when a generic version would do. So yes, if I'm deliberately controlling/influencing anything, it's the environment. We can't really help doing that, can we? On however small a scale. Homeopathic parental authority! LOL (very diluted potencies)

7:00 pm  
Blogger Rosie said...

Gill- Well, I'm still working on 'anything goes'- I'm a natural control freak and like a tidy house(!) well, I'm just going to have to get used to that being out the window, arent I? Well I am quite easy going, really, but I've got a long way to go...
With you on the plastic and other stuff- if any gets in it just mysteriously disappears and (usually) gets forgotten!
Heather-I don't know what's been wrong with my blog ...
and I'm sure I've read your blog before, but then forgot what it was called or something (or it was called something else??)Well, I've got some catching up to do...
Thanks for radio stuff.

1:02 am  

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