Yesterday I did a car boot sale with Jem, alongside Elaine and JR. I was expecting it to rain, so wasn't mentally prepared and didn't think I had the energy, although all the stuff was already boxed up in the garage and Jem had got some barbies ready to sell. It turned out a nice day, and we made a few quid and had a fun day out. Not sure how much we made as I kept having to get change from my purse when people came with £20 notes- how annoying is that?- and putting big notes in for safekeeping- it wasnt supposed to be part of my float so I hadn't counted it beforehand, but I'm sure there was more in it at the end of the day, plus the increased amounts in our floats. We also came away with a typewriter and some necessary ballet stuff: shoes for primary exam plus shoes and leotard for grade one; "what if I don't get into grade one?" "you will because you won't fail the exam". Jem also bought some Ello, which they have all been playing with today. But there was still quite a lot left at the end so I decided that we would have to do another car boot sale or market stall very soon.
I dont want the go into the losing my purse fiasco. It turned out the be under the passenger seat after I had phoned Elaine three times and she had searched her whole house and street.
I was quite exhausted today after yesterday's escapades, which included starting to scrape a bit of plaster off Elaine's floorboards, (as you do) and getting quite carried away doing most of the visible floor. So I took it easy, well as much as possible with one sicky baby and the aftermath of leaving the house for two days with two small boys and their father in it. (This included vaxing up the bedroom carpet while they were in the bath- how come I am apparently more capable of doing this than another parent?).
I also got the sudden urge to "do" the kitchen floor, which is not dry yet, so I'm not sure how clean it is. This followed several conversations about what the use to clean stone flags? I really don't know, but there must be a secret as nobody else's stone floor looks as grubby as mine and I'm sure not everyone is down on their hands and knees with a scrubbing brush all the time. I have a stiff brush with a long handle which I use to swish copious amounts of water about, occasionally! I think the last time was Easter when the dishwasher flooded! O! that's terrible, but, you see, it's not all that easy to do, not easimoppable, and the dirt just seems to dissapear, just forming a general grubbiness.
So there seems to be a bit of a floor theme emerging! I also picked up all the rubbish of the lawn, with the help of Fugs, and also the budlia which had blown out of the wheelbarrow. We did a bit of weeding and grass trimming, and I have some bulbs and heather waiting to go in. Still loads of pruning to do, but I thought it best to tidy as we go, so it doesnt end up all over the garden (again!).
A friend came over today with her two-year old nephew (I was expecting her 15 year old daughter, but, hey). I didn't seem to have much time to talk to her about her return to HE, although I had printed out some activity schedules for her. She is concerned about being forced back to work when her daughter is 16 although she will be still home educated. She has already had some hassle from the benefits people about going back to work. Any info on this would be gratefully received. Although my blog readership seems to be reduced to about one...(ur hur hur, sobs into laptop...I am so alone!)
Tomorrow I must:
post that letter I wrote to an old school friend.
find my diary and make a proper list
make a calendar so I can plan things
By the way the end of last week was a bit horrendous and I started thinking I can't do this HE lark and got all grumpy with the (equally grumpy) kids, and the Montessori school phoned up asking if it was ok if they gave Jem's place to someone and I had to say yes, holding back tears. On the plus side it means I don't have to give them any more money. So I decided I had to get organised and plan some activities and I ended up doing a charity shop trawl of "resources", ie, some games, books, etc.
What's it called when you get your old dog ends and make a roll-up? I'm not saying I've just done that, or anything.
more list:
I know there was something else...
Phone old friend who is having a baby, who I saw going past on the bus, and see if she wants a pram- someone must want a pram.
Have a go at corn dollies, seeing as I am supposed to be doing a corn dolly/harvest crafts workshop next week.
Remain calm.
ps. I have recently realised I can read white on black easier than black on white, so I dont see the typos until they are published.