finn family moomintroll
I found this today in the market for 25p

Had a bit of a mad tidying up sesh last night, even hoovered the hall! well, at least it looks tidy when you first come in the house. I decided to make the kitchen table small again to make more space as it doesn't seem to make much difference to how many people can comfortably sit round it, due to the position of the legs. So I needed another adult to help push it together. Fortunately Pete came in at about 11; Mave had been babysitting. Apart from that, I realised I hadn't seen another adult in over 24 hours this morning. No wonder I go a bit gaga. (O, no, there was the recycling man, but that just makes it worse, if you have to count that, I'm rushing out onto the street undressed, in desperate search of adult company!).
After lunch Mave got my new blender out and made a smoothie.
I love your new acquisition!
We're never ready for the recycling man & always end up taking it ourselves! (But we get dressed first.) (Usually.)
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