We did a bit of chalking outside when it stopped raining. This is inspired by Moominpappa at sea, where Moominmamma paints pictures of her garden on the walls of the lighthouse and disappears into the mural. They said they would like to paint their own rooms with murals! Jem even did a design of it on some paper. I promised Mave she could have a mural in her bedroom when she was little, as we had inherited horrible Thomas the tank engine wallpaper, which I did strip off, but never did the mural. She will be 18 next week, and I feel a bit bad that I never did it. Well, maybe when she gets her own place...

It does! Do you know, it never occurs to me to do pavement chalking up walls? Only on the ground. This demonstrates the huge difference between artistic people and me.
Lol! I've not done it before- it was the moomin book, and also it was a bit wet on the ground.
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