Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Is it just my computer....

or has my blog just disappeared down the page?
If I ignore it will it go away?

Every now and then Jem comes in and says "oh, can't we do something?" , or "I want to do something", then goes away and does something. I think this is a phase she is going through: (according to what I have gleaned from various waldorf teachers) when they get to around 6 or 7 they become less spontaneous and start to think more logically and plan things before they do it, so often say they are bored and ask what to do. People often try to provide them with lots of things to do, but this can prevent them from developing their own ability to think for themselves?

I forgot: "sticklebricks" Allie's cutest word.


Blogger Sarah said...

i suspect that if you write a few more posts those quizzes will get pushed off the page and your disappearing blog problem will be sorted.

Either that or edit the html in those tables to make them less wide, I did that on mine ;)

5:30 pm  

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