More garden capers

Afterwards I collapsed in a heap in a chair unable to move, while Elaine fastened an old gate over the giant hole in the wall, with the aid of some cable ties and rocks. The children filled in the rock pile with soil and gravel. They had been busy sweeping and mopping inside and scraping the walls. They got quite into it and did loads of work, but also played all sorts of games in between.
By evening they were all absolutely muddy (as was most of the house) so they all went in the bath while Elaine's Ebay item went up in price, rather dramitally, during its last few minutes. This was all very interesting and exciting, as I have just got into ebay; I've never really quite understood it before, but I am bidding on somthing now. Correction: I am watching something now and intend to bid on the last day; why? i dont really know, but I assume people are like me and will change their ind about how much they want something, especially if other people want it?
Allie did some drawing at JR's desk while the others lolled about. They all went to sleep very quickly as soon as I got them home to bed! I had another hot bath for the benefit of my back- I must rest it tomorrow. Hopefully I haven't overdone it, but it's better having a slight back strain from doing too much gardening than from stress. i am finding it all very theraputic. I hope I can put this amount of energy into my garden and tidy it up a bit. Somehow it's easier doing someone else's garden. It's a good job Eaine just lets me do what I want! We have been discussing plans for mosaicing the patio, AKA large slab of concrete, with pebbles, and stuff, and making a herb garden (spiral? photos, please,Tech!). Elaine thinks we are going back tomorrow. I think I'm doing nothing tomorow!
how's the back? We are just about capable of movement now so are going to get the grass seed then do the bathroom down there I think I have some window film left from our bathroom and I will see if I can get a dark shower curtain for the doorway (may save my house carpets lol
O, yes, sounds like a good idea. save going up 2 flights of stairs and trapsing debris all over! The glowing pebbles are in LIDL now! but the back wont allow me to go shopping today! It is not too bad if I sit still, which is all I want to do anyway. Had to catch up with a few chores- like hoover where the wardrobe used to be in the hall, so it doesnt look too scary- someone's supposed to be coming round to look at pram.
My ebay item has gone up to £31- still under what I was going to bid!
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