so they all rolled over and one fell out

Thursday: I went shopping and when I got back I seemed to have inadvertantly sold the cot: someone had seen the ad, come round, liked it and left the money. Maeve found a flat. That night I lay on the cot and had a little cry: my babies!
Friday: I lent Maeve the money for the flat deposit and had a look round it. The cot was taken away. I got over it. I also parted with a Wilkinet, baby bouncer, and baby gym. I was £65 better off.
Saturday: I spent the money on ("ant") chairs for the flat and a load of pressies for Fug's birthday.
Sunday: I went to the car boot sale and got a coffee table in the shape of a paint pallette for £2, some stripy wool, a bike and an old bicyle wheel. I was a bit stressed about the flat still, but it seemed a lot better after moving some stuff in- I got a mattress and wardrobe in 2 journeys in the back of the clapped out Saab, which I am getting used to driving.
Monday: The clapped out Saab also came in handy for emptying rubbish from Elaine's cellar and garden.
Tuesday: (Well, it's not really Tuesday yet, but I just got carried away.) So now I have only 3 children at home. I seem to have destressed myself somehow- that intensive gardening, followed by a lovely bath, must have been just what I needed. Thanks, Elaine!
does fruge check your blog or were your memory cells depleted after your creative spurt in the home ed garden or maybe you fitted so much in your car on sunday that you have overlooked your other bootsale bargain and it has yet to emerge from the depths of your car.
You are right about the saab I would love to see B's face when he see's he is responsible for disposing of the contents of my cellar that didn't qualify for the bonfire
he cant read, but he looks at pics and j could read it aloud without being very subtle. It is there, anyway!just mentioned.
B has decided to work from home today- maybe he cant face the car emptying!
ps are you continuing today? we are up for it, if not at quite the same pace!
oh yes good idea ready when you are just got to go post smile :) :)
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