a year and a half

My little boy: 18 months old today
Today he walked down the road to playgroup, which was, well, past 12 parked cars and a bit more. It took some time, as he stopped at every worm, tin can, bus stop (to hug) and blowing around leaf, and looked in amazement, like he was seeing the world through new eyes. At playgroup he didn't join in the circle games, preffering to continue to wash his hands. He said duck to a picture of a duck on the computer, well, "dutt". He also communicated to daddy on MSN when I wasn't there (he was talking to the duck). He drank out of a real glass at playgroup and at home (cream cracker-flavoured orange juice) . He walked round the supemarket, well, ran 1/2 way round shouting and picking things up (he can't reach the trolley to put things in it, fortunately), then sat happily in the trolley, after he had found some mini jaffa cakes, which I didn't have to open. He walked part of the way to picking his brother and sister up. He climbed up and sat in the middle of the kitchen table. He watched a hailstorm. He talked to more ducks in the bath. He was in bed by 8 o'clock. O, my, I have a toddler.
Happy half birthday!
He looks a lot like Small ;)
Awwwww that's ADORABLE!!
Aww, lovely picture, thanks for sharing it :-)
Lovely write up too, Happy half birthday!
Happy 18months old! He must only be a couple of weeks older than Nin, who will be 18months on the 27th.
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