Monday, April 04, 2005

Great news!

I had been wondering whether the woman who lives up the lane had put her older boy's name down for school, as I had just realised he was at 'that age', although almost a year younger than Fugz. I don't know her very well, but when I bumped into her today I just asked her and she rather sheepishly answered that she hadn't decided yet. Then the look of relief on her face when I told her that Fugz wasn't going, ever! She obviously doen't want to send them to school, but feels under pressure to do so. But it does seem that her mind is made up; she just said, o, someone else, great! There are quite a few people around here with young children that are just considering home education, well she is the third that I have spoken to in the last month. Everyone seems to think they are the only ones in the area and I am keen to reassure them that they are not as I felt exactly the same.

Anyway, phew! I certainly spent a long time on my last 'interview me' post. I keep meaning to have a day off in between blogs, or other computer stuff but can't seem to do that at the moment! This is despite not having found the missing lense out of my glasses and am now wearing my old ones which are now selotaped together in the middle, the solder having given out earlier today. I have ordered new ones, from the local optitian's: the first ones I picked up- so much for choosing some great new specks. Never mind, I'm sure they wil be an improvement on the last pair that were always getting bent and losing screws. And they didn't suit me.

This morning- went to library- got all the remaining Moomin books, which Jem has started to devour, plus a book on ballet. She got a bit bored this afternoon, as it was a bit too cold to play outside (I did attempt a bit of gardening as the boys were keen to go out, but Allie was whining so I tried, unsuccessfully, to put him back to bed). I suggested modelling as Fugs was merrily playing with plasticine. But she soon got frustrated with this, however Fugz made a rather nice clay coil pot. I suggested cross stitch, but she 'didn't feel sewish' (I got that from 'Ballet Shoes'); she didn't even feel inspired to go on the computer. She looked for a long time in books for things to do and fancied making cookies, but that would have to be tomorrow. I thought we would have to go on a visit or something tomorrow, as we have decided we don't want to do the art class. I suppose we could see about the horse riding stables down the road, as I have mentioned we could do after Easter. It just hasn't felt like spring today.
F: Is it still Easter?
Me: (absently) Urm... no. No, it's not Easter anymore.
F: So what is it then? Summer?
Me: (Thinks hard) No, it's spring. (thinking, they call it summer term at school when they go back after Easter, but it's not even May Day, let alone Spring Bank Holiday)
This confusion over what it is probably didn't help with the rest of the day. We seem happiest when we know what it is, ie, definately what time of year it is- we know what to do. Maybe its the post-Easter let-down of anticimax AKA Monday morning feeling. I had the definate blues today. I would have felt better if we could have got out in the garden and finished the pruning. At least I made a massive impact on the goddam berberis at the w/e. But there are packets and packets of seeds, waiting for a nice day. We did mow the lawn and plant some grass seeds on the bare patches left by the molehills. We're having to make do with watching cress and carrot tops grow on the windowcill.

That was a good blog: I managed to make a bit of sense out of the mud that was in my head. Well, it made sense to me, at any rate!


Blogger Gill said...

I thought it was a good blog too. And what brilliant news! I realised afterwards that I totally bypassed what you said in email the other day about HB families - sorry! Was caught up in explaining the other thing!
I always used to wonder, when we lived down there, why there weren't more HEing families. It seems so much *that* kind of place, doesn't it? But I think until recently the local schools catered better for the alternative element better than in other areas, perhaps. Now that DfES control of school curriculum is tightening, HE is the natural option I guess. Great idea to get together & organise something! If I still lived down there I'd prefer it to driving up to Halifax!

9:36 am  

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