Thursday, March 31, 2005

bye bye dishwasher

Yesterday the dishwasher repairman condemmed my 3 1/2 year old Smeg dishwasher to the scrapheap yesterday, and charged me £40 for the privelidge. He also advised me if I was getting another one to get the cheapest one possible as it is not worth fixing them when they go wrong. But he personally wouldn't bother having one at all. Is this a blogworthy event? well, inasmuch as the children were queuing up to do the washing up after tea tonight. I left them in charge of my best glass cake stand and went upstairs to do Allie's nappy and bath. It was finished when I came down. Who says we need a dishwasher, anyway? It was never my idea to get one. I just used to leave all the washing up, as I do all the rest of the domestic chores. But, actually I don't mind it, in fact it's quite liberating not being enslaved by yet another machine. I can do the washing up if I like, when I like, and not when there's enough to put on a load. And it doesn't half save my back, not having to do all that bending down- it's enough to give you indigestion straight after tea. So am I claiming my life back, or what?
Jem went to see a ballet with her ballet school yesterday. She hasn't said that much about it, so I'm not sure how much she got out of it.
Fugs spent the afternoon making a huge 3d web, out of thread, covering the entire garden. I'm not sure why, or what he was learning, but I just left him to it.
Today, while I was on the phone, I just caught through the corner of my unspectacled eye (lense missing from glasses) someone putting one of those little garden buggies down the slide. Next thing I knew Fugs was wizzing down the garden at an amazing speed. When there was no aparent injury, I just suggested he move the trampoline out of the way and do it again. They soon got the hang of it, and called it a rollercoaster. (please don't try this at home!)
I got a call from Maeve's dad's flat, which becomes her flat when he is away, asking for a "food parcel" and a list of sundry items. It's nice to be still needed! Does this still count as home education?


Blogger Gill said...

Hey, that little truck looks great! And the game sounds good too. Hmm... might have to invest in one of those! (Though if the kids use it to slide down our field they'll end up in Elland town centre at 90mph ROFL)
Is it still HE? Yup, accessing resources - vital learning skill!
Look I'm the person who's based whole annual reports for the LEA on the merits of lego construction, so I know what I'm talking about, ok? ;-)

9:25 am  
Blogger Louise said...

My Sister had a smeg dishwasher that recently packed up on them. They only had it a couple of years and paid a lot for it but wouldn't reccommend one. Difficult decision about not having one. I never have had one but would love one as it's only me who washes up (up to 2 hours a day), but I would need more plates as it'd go on once a day and we'd run out.
I wish we had a lidl near us! I love the little trolley.

10:56 am  
Blogger a said...

ROFL at the truck down slide game, have to consider some options for that here!
And certainly loading the dishwasher after eating is bad for digestion, hence one corner of my kitchen is always stacked with stuff to be put in the dishwasher.
The Smeg stuff always looks lovely, hadn't heard about it being unreliable before.

2:47 pm  
Blogger Rosie said...

rofl, Gill, at the thought of your flying trolley. It's getting faster here (wearing a groove in the grass!).
Still doing hands off HE ;o) ("Hi mum, can I do some washing?", "yes"..."Bye, mum")

12:14 am  
Blogger Rosie said...

dont do it! That's my attitude to dishwashers atm. They have their uses, like at parties? but you do end up working around them. I prefer to do it as and when, so it doesnt pile up too much, and the children like to help out with it. It's much more of a social thing. And they dont always get everything clean, and the cutlery disintigrates!
So far so good,anyway!! I did have one of those premonitions, like o, wouldnt it be a nightmare if I ran out of dishwasher tablets over Easter and, horror of horrors, had to do the washing up by hand. I thought it was funny at the time...

12:26 am  

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