I spent some of my birthday doing what I enjoy most- that is designing- I was inspired to get out my sketchbook and draw and stick bits of coloured paper. This may not sound very impressive, but it is, after all, what I spent years learning how to do. So I made a sort of resolution that I must spend more time doing this. I have made lots of resolutions lately, and its difficult to reconcile all of them, but this one, I think, has to stay.
So...bogging may have to suffer, but, anyway, I am a bit sick of moaning about supermarkets, etc at length, I need to stick to the important stuff, which is what? O yes, well I started to blog because of Home Education, which happens all the time, and into that comes my obsession with seasonal festivities, nature and, of course, making stuff, eg knitting and crochet.
Btw, I did have a night out with a couple of friends, which wasn't spectactular, but at least it wasn't disasterous! The kids were so excited about it being my birthday- they brought me tea and the paper in bed (with no help), made me a cake (with some help). We had a special birthday tea. They would not go to bed - I gave up just before 9 and went out.

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