Drip, drip, drip
Well I've been sitting in the living room whilst catching up on my blogs and others, as it is slightly less cold than the front room. Yes, we have central heating. Do we have any other heating? no. Not a roaring fire in sight. I would love one, or ideally 2 wood burning stoves, but, dream on. Priority is to get the roof fixed. A lot of paper has now been removed from the ceiling and several holes have been drilled to let the water through without it bringing down the ceiling. Try to remain calm. One of my priorities, for the priority for the new year is getting the house sorted, so this could be a good start.
Today was an improvement. Got a bit of a lie in. We got to play out in the snow, what's left of it. We has a nice lunch and finally started the Xmas cake, and the Xmas biscuits from LIDL. For tea we had Christmas Pasta; wish I'd thought of this earlier.
Played a game of chess with Jem- it ended up in a stalemate, which is hardly suprising, as she kept asking me what to do, so I was playing myself half the time,a and I'm not very good. The presents have been quite successful, as they include lots of things to do, like games, spiragraph thingy, books, crayony things. I've been reading Druit/Fynes-Clinton/Rowling, "All Year Round" (or the Steiner Bible, as I call it), for inspiration in the last few days. It has entries for Xmas eve, St Steven's (boxing day) and the 12 days of Xmas, as well as some more ponderings in the intro. I tend to just use it as a "how to" book: how to celabrate X festival, or how to make Y. But I always find it useful at times like this, as a gentle reminder that there is another way. Now, what to do with all that chocolate...mmm, maybe I'm a bit peckish, no, I think I'm sticking to Lemon and Ginger.

new boots
{{{Rosie}}} Hugs from a fellow dripping-ceiling-sufferer!
Hope your cold (and your ceiling) gets better soon.
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