Christmas Day
Went by in a bit of a blur... Maybe this is the best way...Well, it wasn't too bad, I suppose. Had to get up at 6 as I heard running about downstairs. I managed to get them to come back upstairs and not wake everybody else up. They went back to sleep after opening stockings. I got to lie in till nearly 9, after early morning feeds at about 7ish. Felt progressively sniffly, but got through the day by adding a drop of brandy to everything I consumed. I sneezed so much I nearly wet myself. Nose dripping like a tap whilst cooking. Had Xmas dinner at about 2.30. Mave and Pete cycled to Pete's mum's for their turkey. I reached for the TV guide at about 4.30, when they were all going really bonkers. Too much chocolate. Why do we do this? We watched Harry Potter at 6 and then it was bedtime. I tried to read a few blogs, but my Eyes just went all bleary, so I watched telly for a bit and went to bed. Felt like a bag of shite.

Xmas day sunrise - view from my bedroom
Cheers, Alison. Warm ginger wine helping. Think I'm over the worst. Well I can actually see words on the computer.
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