Thursday, November 18, 2004


We went to a printmaking workshop on Tuesday at Cartwright Hall in Bradford. This was very good, although it was hard work watching my 3; two manicly rolling ink everwhere, and one strapped into his puschair, which he managed for 2 bursts of about 20 minutes without crying, with the help of some crisps and his babycup, (which I managed to leave there.) We learned a few different printing techniques, some of which we shall be trying at home, if I can find a roller. We used water based printing ink there, but it was suggested that we try poster paint with a little added washing-up liquid.
1. Monoprint: roll ink onto a piece of perspex, or something shiny, and draw into it with a finger or drinking straw. Then put paper on top and smooth over it with hands. Only one print possible.
2. Printing with objects: dip different objects (lego bricks, leaves, rolled up corrugated cardboard, hands, cut vegetables, etc) into ink and press or roll onto paper. You can use a piece of foam in the bottom of a veg tray with ink in to dip into, or brush or roll paint onto object.
3. Polystyrene etching: use a flat piece of expanded polystyrene, cut from a food tray, or pizza backing. Draw into it with a sharp pencil, roll ink on and put paper on top. Smooth over paper with hand or back of wooden spoon.
We had to go to the park as soon as they had had enough. They knew there was a good play park there, as they recognised it when we arrived. We talked to quite a few other HEers that we hadn't met before, although I realised afterwards that I had probably met some of them online.
I decided to go and visit my friend in Bradford afterwards, but didn't realise just how bad rush hour traffic can be (so that's why everyone else left before us- I'm not used to working around rush hour, living out here there's no such thing, except when they're getting the hay in, then there's quite a bit of tractor movement. Mind you, no-one in their right mind would drive past our house in a car.) So it took over an hour to get to another part of Bradford, after getting lost in the dark and fog and not quite remembering which village it was in. I ended up driving towards home and coming back on myself, as from that direction I found it straight away.
The trips out in the car are really interesting to the children. On the way I was so pleased that they weren't at a school desk. But they would keep asking me why it was called "Can't Write Hall."
We stayed the night at my friend, Julie's house, which was verging on the impossble, but she was very tolerant of the two boys staying up till half eleven and trashing the place (non-baby friendly house). She just kept patiently removing large glass vases, etc out of danger. I can't be allergic to alcohol, after all, as I had some Bailey's and didn't suffer any ill effects.
When we got home in the morning I discovered there was a large flood dripping from the roof onto the stairs so I got out some buckets...


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