Sunday, October 24, 2004

Birthday Parties (other people's)

Had quite a good day today, really. Brendan took the kids off to a birthday party at Tod Sports Centre. He said it was a million times better than last weekend's "Rough and Tumbles", but I can only wonder, in my blissful ignorance, what can be better, or worse about these scary- sounding party venues. I think i must have some kind of a plasticophobia about these indoor play areas, although I'm sure they're not all bad. Bad are: Jimmy Gee's and Alphabet Zoo in Bradford, and a small place that may not be still there, near the station in Halifax. Well. at least my experiences were. I have definately been spoilt by the wholesomeness and wafty fabrics of Steiner kindergartens, where children are cocooned and nurtured with natural materials, natural light, natural food, natural sounds, gentle voices, sweetly singing. Anything else seems to be second-rate and and offends my sensibilities.

Anyway, F went as Peter Pan, so I got to excercise my costume-making skills, after examining the Woolworths version, yesterday. Yes, I can snip a jagged short sleeve into a green shirt, take in some pyjama bottoms, add a belt and a slightly adapted paper hat and save myself 15 quid. And before you start feeling sorry for 4 year old F, he was quite happy with it and I think it was fine and have photo's to prove it!

So, all this meant I had several hours (yes, several) alone, in which to get some house work done. (They had to go to the bike track as well, although it was waterlogged). Its always more rewarding when you have enough time to actually have a noticable effect. I thought I was doing really well until, after hoovering I realised it had been raining heavily for 20 minutes on 3 loads of washing. O well, this even happens to supermums/domestic goddesses, such as moi. Self-esteem not doing too badly then. better quit while ahead. anyway that crying baby doesnt sound like he'll stop without me.


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